Round up of Prime Day/Christmas in July DEALS!!

*As an affiliate associate through Amazon and other affiliate links, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases through the links on this post.* Hi all!! As promised on my Facebook page, here is a quick round up of some of the deals I've posted that are going on today (PRIME DAY!) on Amazon as … Continue reading Round up of Prime Day/Christmas in July DEALS!!

$100 weekly grocery budget with all meals included!

*As an affiliate associate through Amazon and other affiliate links, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Our "household" budget (grocery, toiletries) is one of my favorite expenses to try and cut or make it stretch as much as possible. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE ALDI. I cannot express how excited I get when … Continue reading $100 weekly grocery budget with all meals included!

Keeping an organized and clutter free home (with kids!) using these five easy tips!!

*As an Amazon affiliate and member of other affiliate programs, the links provided in this post provide me with a small commission if an item is purchased. We've officially reached Spring, which means SPRING CLEANING!! For some, those words sound like torture...but I look SO forward to decluttering, reorganizing drawers and closets where clothes are … Continue reading Keeping an organized and clutter free home (with kids!) using these five easy tips!!

Fruit AND veggie smoothies your kids (and you) will love!

*The links used in this post are affiliate links that provides a small commission if an item is purchased. As a mom, we're always trying to get those healthy foods in. It can be so stressful for those who have picky eaters (BOTH hands up over here!). My first son would not eat vegetables from … Continue reading Fruit AND veggie smoothies your kids (and you) will love!

Our construction truck themed birthday party …for less!!

*The links provided in this post are affiliate links that provide me with a small commission if an item is purchased. When I found out I was having a second son, I knew my life was going to consist of construction trucks, dinosaurs, dirt, and balls! And I love it!!!! My son's birthday was this … Continue reading Our construction truck themed birthday party …for less!!

Meal Planning basics: What to make and 5 different ways to save time by prepping food for the entire week!

Every Sunday afternoon, I sit down and pre-plan my week. I make a list of things that need to be done, errands, etc. and also plan our meals which results in a grocery list at the same time! It really doesn't take long and although sometimes I dread it in the beginning of the week, … Continue reading Meal Planning basics: What to make and 5 different ways to save time by prepping food for the entire week!

Simple and fun Valentine’s Day activities to do with young kids

Happy first day of February!!! It feels like the new year just started but here we are in February, which means Valentine's Day ❤ Probably my favorite holiday after Christmas and the funny thing is my husband and I don't even do gifts or anything crazy exciting for this day! All the cute heart decorations, … Continue reading Simple and fun Valentine’s Day activities to do with young kids