Black Friday Deals 2019

WOOHOO!! The BIGGEST shopping day of the year is almost here!!! I am so overly excited to experience my first Black Friday with this blog! I'll be covering ALL the deals on my Facebook page (visit here). Also wanted to give you a round up of all the deals so they're in one place since … Continue reading Black Friday Deals 2019

Gift ideas for Men – Christmas Edition!

*The links used in this post are affiliate links that provide a small commission if an item is purchased. MEN. This has to be the one category of "people" that is the most difficult for me to buy for. They're the ones it takes me the most time to think about what their interests are … Continue reading Gift ideas for Men – Christmas Edition!

Gift Ideas for Women- Christmas Edition!

*The links used in this post are affiliate links that provide a small commission if an item is purchased. This is for you, ladies!! When putting together these gift ideas, I tried finding a variety of items that are all budget-friendly (the Ninja is pricier, but SO worth it!!!!) so you could use for teachers, … Continue reading Gift Ideas for Women- Christmas Edition!

Meal Planning basics: What to make and 5 different ways to save time by prepping food for the entire week!

Every Sunday afternoon, I sit down and pre-plan my week. I make a list of things that need to be done, errands, etc. and also plan our meals which results in a grocery list at the same time! It really doesn't take long and although sometimes I dread it in the beginning of the week, … Continue reading Meal Planning basics: What to make and 5 different ways to save time by prepping food for the entire week!