Toddler/Preschool Christmas Gift Guide 2020


Well, it's been a year so far! So, I'm determined to make it the most magical ending to a year yet this Christmas. Not just with gifts, but spending precious time with family and friends. Still creating fun memories and moments for the kids no matter how different of a year it has been. While … Continue reading Toddler/Preschool Christmas Gift Guide 2020

Kid’s Gift Ideas – Christmas Edition!

*The links used in this post are affiliate links that provide a small commission if an item is purchased. Boy Gift Ideas: BOYS. So much energy! As a boy mom (and I know in general with kids!), I've quickly learned the importance of keeping them busy. ALL. THE TIME. So here are several ideas to … Continue reading Kid’s Gift Ideas – Christmas Edition!

Toddler Gift Ideas: Christmas Edition!

*The links used in this post are affiliate links that provide a small commission if an item is purchased. It's getting closer to my FAVORITE time of year!! CHRISTMAS! Yes, it's already November so my mind has officially went into "Christmas planning" mode! It started when I was a little girl. For as long as … Continue reading Toddler Gift Ideas: Christmas Edition!

Fruit AND veggie smoothies your kids (and you) will love!

*The links used in this post are affiliate links that provides a small commission if an item is purchased. As a mom, we're always trying to get those healthy foods in. It can be so stressful for those who have picky eaters (BOTH hands up over here!). My first son would not eat vegetables from … Continue reading Fruit AND veggie smoothies your kids (and you) will love!

Our construction truck themed birthday party …for less!!

*The links provided in this post are affiliate links that provide me with a small commission if an item is purchased. When I found out I was having a second son, I knew my life was going to consist of construction trucks, dinosaurs, dirt, and balls! And I love it!!!! My son's birthday was this … Continue reading Our construction truck themed birthday party …for less!!

Simple and fun Valentine’s Day activities to do with young kids

Happy first day of February!!! It feels like the new year just started but here we are in February, which means Valentine's Day ❤ Probably my favorite holiday after Christmas and the funny thing is my husband and I don't even do gifts or anything crazy exciting for this day! All the cute heart decorations, … Continue reading Simple and fun Valentine’s Day activities to do with young kids