Keeping an organized and clutter free home (with kids!) using these five easy tips!!

*As an Amazon affiliate and member of other affiliate programs, the links provided in this post provide me with a small commission if an item is purchased. We've officially reached Spring, which means SPRING CLEANING!! For some, those words sound like torture...but I look SO forward to decluttering, reorganizing drawers and closets where clothes are … Continue reading Keeping an organized and clutter free home (with kids!) using these five easy tips!!

Meal Planning basics: What to make and 5 different ways to save time by prepping food for the entire week!

Every Sunday afternoon, I sit down and pre-plan my week. I make a list of things that need to be done, errands, etc. and also plan our meals which results in a grocery list at the same time! It really doesn't take long and although sometimes I dread it in the beginning of the week, … Continue reading Meal Planning basics: What to make and 5 different ways to save time by prepping food for the entire week!

5 ways to freshen up your home decor on a budget!

I am always switching up my home decor. My husband has finally come to accept it! haha He knows everything I do is budget friendly so financially, he's never been bothered by it. He is just a male and never understood the reason for switching up decor..he would be perfectly fine with keeping things the … Continue reading 5 ways to freshen up your home decor on a budget!